
You have noticed that Republicans dominate the news scene day after day, and have for at least the last two decades. It is no accident. It is a unified and scripted approach to gaining dominance, pushing minority beliefs through techniques of fear and angst through a friendly, corporate media.…

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Teens Helping Teens

By: Crystal Dento This is a story about three girls who want to make a difference and who not only want to help people become more aware of the consequences of the "bystander effect" but to also encourage teens and people to become more proactive, stand up and speak out…

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“Your Two Cents” Writing Contributors! Please Read!

Dear writers, bloggers, authors, and TJ fans who'd like contribute, A way to contribute to is to give us "your two cents" by writing and submitting short 300 - 800 word article blogs on any topic related to our theme of taboo. As a content contributor signed up…

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New Milestone for Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook

WHOF's website reached an amazing SIX MILLION hits on February 6th, 2012 marking a new milestone for the website that makes it their mission to represent, go to bat for and protect equal rights. which works in tandem with the Wipeout Homophobia On Facebook facebook group, and…

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