The Culprits Behind Demise of Democracy?

“Follow the money,” we often hear investigators say in finding culprits behind crime and corruption. One most willing receiver of such shady money, Donald J. Trump, sought to retain unaccountability for his crimes as well as dominion over an almost limitless supply of booty tied to his presidency by…

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Trump’s Lawlessness & Disorder

As most of us know, we have a deceitful, dangerous man in the White House. Again, and again, he has proven he will do anything for his re-election. Prior to his impeachment, his lawlessness and impeachable offenses mounted. Finally, his extortion of help from the Ukraine government in smearing…

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The Disgraceful GOP Senate

The GOP Senate is a total disgrace, namely the fifty-one, Which just shot democracy with an elephant gun. With every vote, every breathe & action they seem to take, Thru the heart of our country they drive a wooden stake. Caring nought & doing nothing for our Republic’s future,…

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Is demise staring us in the face?

It’s right under your nose … signs of our demise. And we are all contributors. Never before has allegiance to the common good been more important. I mean globally. Rather than common good, various forms of the “rugged individualist” culture have been pushed in our faces for generations. Is…

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