“This Page Does Not Exist.”

Do you need help deciding which candidate is better for LGBT and marriage equality? Let me assist you. Click here: http://www.mittromney.com/lgbt/ or here: http://www.barackobama.com/lgbt I hope this little exercise convinces everyone who either is LGBT or who loves someone who is LGBT to vote Obama/Biden. When you click on…

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Protests across the Islamic World — Instigated by Romney Backers?

By OcJim Everybody loves a conspiracy theory and some even defend them with their dying breath, but put together enough evidence, exercise enough logic, and put on your perception glasses and one nefarious plot line make sense. Take the anti-Islamic slide show that prompted protests at multiple U.S. Embassies…

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A Real Imagined Community

The Paralympics have finished, the euphoria has died down, and the weather is quickly getting colder. After one of the most blistering, enjoyable and exhausting Olympic/Paralympic games in modern history, this small island is fast reverting back to the status quo and hurriedly forgetting this extremely brief diversion. In Britain it…

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Ryan’s Ode to Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand was a novelist, an atheist, and a philosopher, especially beloved by libertarians and conservative, free-market advocates. Her belief in “rational self-interest” saw virtue in greed and evil in altruism. Her philosophy helped justify the conservative agenda of reverse Robin Hood, giving to the rich and taking from…

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