A Woman’s Greatest Obstacle To Autonomy

** While the following doesn't represent the views of all Republican or Conservative constituents, it does represent the actions (or lack of) taken by Republicans in Congress based on their voting records. ** Women: "Can I have birth control?" Republicans: "No!" Women: "I couldn't get birth control so I…

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Voting System Changes Needed for U.S. “Democracy”

Why, if we technically live in a Democracy, do we have to fight in order to better streamline our voting process and make practical, efficient, and time-sensitive changes that would greatly benefit the country as a whole? Since the U.S. is the world leader in many respects, it only…

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Republicans Flirting with Treason

Various Republicans have been flirting with treason for years now, even decades. In the late 1980s, the Reagan administration sold arms to Iran at high prices to finance the Reagan-favored “contras” fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. It violated all canons of democracy: arms sales to Iran were prohibited;…

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If You Hate Taxes & Government, Please Kindly Stop Doing The Following…
Pic. from: marriedtothesea.com

If You Hate Taxes & Government, Please Kindly Stop Doing The Following…

Many right-wing sources of media coerce people on a mass scale into railing hard against things like paying taxes and Government. The problem is these people don't fully think about how they're actually railing against their own interests. In addition to a long list of goods and services, Government…

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United States Army to Make War More Like a “Video Game”

The pentagon announced yesterday that the armed forces would be working together with Activision, the studio most known for the best-selling “Call of Duty” video game franchise, in order to help combat rising suicide rates and low morale in enlisted personnel. The pairing of the largest military on the…

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Hate The Government?

Discussion topic submitted by: Scott Hacker, Taboo Jive blogger/admin Just a few thoughts on this line of thinking. When it comes to venting, be sure your anger and frustration are aimed in the right direction. People who rail so hard against the Government need to understand that Government is…

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Corporate Takers!

An informed audience – at least one not sated with propaganda -- would turn off the constant stream of demonization of the so-called “takers” perpetrated by Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity -- the whole Fox News crew. If Fox were “fair and balanced,” their pitches of poop at the poor…

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This Koch’s not for you!

A few months ago, the Washington Post looked inside the Koch brothers political empire[i].  The Post said, “The money flows through a complex maze of tax-exempt groups and limited liability corporations, creating multiple barriers that shield the identities of the donors.” Over twenty organizations are shown, but probably the…

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