Why You Shouldn’t be Scared of Anonymous

By: Malachi Cane First and foremost, let me explain that I am in no way shape or form a spokesperson or representative of Anonymous. Ironically, this article’s thesis is exactly that: no one is the spokesperson of Anonymous, because for that to be true, Anonymous would have to be…

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Occupy Could Be Our Last Hope

By OcJim In 2008, many feared that the Bush administration would somehow stay around for a third term by staging a terrorist event and declaring martial law rather than holding elections. Accordingly, many believed they were saved with the advent of Barack Obama’s election. While Bush’s departure proved that…


The Left Chris Is the Right Chris

Washington recently became the seventh state to legalize same-sex marriage, and the law was quickly signed by Governor Chris Gregoire, who said: "It is a day historians will mark as a milestone for equal rights. A day when we did what was right, we did what was just, and…

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The Prince: Perceptual Misguidance

By: Geoffrey Yonil Machiavelli's "The Prince" is an intriguing text. Both historically and politically, it represents a fascinating study into the mindset of early 16th-century Florentine politics. But Machiavelli's message has often times been misinterpreted. Either out of bad translations or the author's sarcasm being distilled from generation to…


One Expensive Party

Tucked away in the lower echelons of today's news, and rather reluctantly presented, is the story of two pre-university age teenagers who have taken the government to court over its decision, courtesy of 'Business Secretary' Vince Cable, to allow unversities across England (but not Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland,…

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You have noticed that Republicans dominate the news scene day after day, and have for at least the last two decades. It is no accident. It is a unified and scripted approach to gaining dominance, pushing minority beliefs through techniques of fear and angst through a friendly, corporate media.…

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