Default Avoided, Guns Kept!

By Jim Hoover OK, we probably won’t default. Is it time for rejoicing? Not so much. We supposedly are close to a debt ceiling/budget-cut agreement. Republicans cocked the default gun and held it to Obama’s head. He blinked… again. Don’t worry. The agreement assures that he will blink again….and…

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Fat, Dumb and Happy! Has Much changed since this was written?

by Jim Hoover Conservative America would like to keep the bulk of Americans fat, dumb and happy. That is the outgrowth of the conservative building of a proto-fascist country, dominated by large corporations. Activity in Republican-controlled states and the House of Representatives, show the ideas of right-wing corporations like…


Cantor and Kyl: Clowns for the Rich?

By Jim Hoover Two clowns, Rep. Eric Cantor and Senator John Kyl, performers for their real ringmasters, the rich, walked out of bicameral bipartisan debt ceiling talks. Ironically, the elephant in the meeting room still remained. Not the Republicans, but the obvious fact that these meetings, for the Republicans,…

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By: Janice Thurill Collapse is the story of how modern society could probably take a drastic turn for the worse. And it's narrated by Michael Ruppert. Most people call Michael Ruppert a conspiracy theorist because they don't like his ideas, because they don't fit into their picture-perfect world, and…

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Fall From Grace

By: John Dyndril Fall From Grace is perhaps one of the most comprehensive looks at the Westboro Baptist Church and its followers, including extensive interviews with Fred Phelps (the minister for the church), his followers—which is almost ninety-percent just the rest of the Phelps family—and experts ranging from Biblical…

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Christie not Spelled ‘Christ’

By Jim Hoover Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey is being courted to run for president. Perhaps it relates to his extremism. The Republican base likes radical right-wingers. How can we identify his right-wing stripe? Look at him, listen to him, and watch him. He is large. He is…

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