2025: A Road to Fascism–How did we get here?

A majority has elected Donald Trump whose only real concern is himself and the rich who support him, a man who tried to overthrow our democracy, a man who supports dictators and not democratic allies, a man who will readily sell our nation to Vladimir Putin who helped him…

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Who is in charge of America’s Takeover Attempt?

Does America have some nefarious, overarching figure, a puppet-master who pulls the strings for the ultra-conservative movement. It seems that behind the scenes some such shadowy force makes things happen to transform our society on the sly. Or is it a clique of the ultra-greedy? For example, it is…

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NRA and GOP: Exploiting God & Guns?

Using God and guns drives the NRA and Texas Republican politics: At an NRA convention in Houston TX immediately following the slaughter of 19 Texas children in Uvalde, Texas, Wayne LaPierre, the NRA Executive Vice President, said, “God help us if we don’t harden our schools” That entails the…

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Republican Plan to Install Their Own Dictatorship?

Republicans demonstrate their distaste for democracy in varying ways and degrees. They range from the most violent to the everyday Chipaways of democracy, the latter discovering that their future requires actually governing for the multi-ethnic majority, something they find repugnant. The whole party has plans for democracy’s dissolution at…

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A Nostalgic Human Parasite, Donald John Trump

Is it only irony that a global parasite, Donald Trump, scorned the best picture Oscar for the South Korean film “Parasite,” asking how a foreign movie could get the honor? It is ironic in the fact that he, himself, displays all the characteristics of a parasite (Chinese liver flukes…

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Real Tea Party (GOP) Death Panels?
Cartoon by: Bart Roozendaal

Real Tea Party (GOP) Death Panels?

Under Obama’s health care law, from 2014 through 2016, the federal government will pay the full cost of opening Medicaid to anyone, who earns up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, which is $15,282 for a single person this year. Over time, that share will decline until…

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Time Magazine Top 100

According to Managing Editor, Nancy Gibbs, Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people (with Beyonce on the cover) are significant achievers of the past year and likely to continue their powerful ways. One assumes those already showcased in past issues, are less likely to currently appear. Remember the criteria is…

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