Christie: Remorse Done; Bully Back!

Details on the Gibson, Dunn and Cruccher report, intended to exonerate Chris Christie of all Bridgegate blame, stands out as a heavy-handed attempt to not only verbally exalts Christie but  also attempts to steer attention to Bridget Kelly and Bill Stepien. It appears to be dramatized, prepared and calculated…

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Menthol Slim One-Twenty Blues: A Poetry Review on Walter Beck

Walter Beck's poetry is not for the weak spined, new age generation who look for light at the end of every dark tunnel and believes that fairness can be doled out through the power of positive thinking. But they should read it, even if it's force fed down their…

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Privatized Elections Trump Democracy

More and more, multi-millionaires and billionaires are hiding behind patriotic-sounding organizations that do their bidding – many paying no taxes – to marshal mercenary companies who in turn outsource to professional snoops and trackers secretly collecting data, and hiring production companies which produce attack ads against political opponents. With…

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Not in my Frack Yard

Why do we feel no sympathy for Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, not to speak of former Tea Party leader, Dick Armey. Both are suing  Bartonville Water Supply Corporation  to stop the building of a 160 foot water tower “monstrosity” adjacent to Tillerson’s $5 million Bar RR Ranch and Armey’s…

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O’Reilly’s Love Fest

I would wonder if even the most stricken Bill O’Reilly fans could stomach the narcissistic love fest Bill engaged in after his interview with President Obama on Super Bowl weekend. Even Steven Colbert’s excellent parody couldn’t equal real life – that is if you aren’t blinded by decades of…

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This Father Just DESTROYED Society’s Definition Of Beauty. This Is Perfect.
photo via Dr. Kelly Flanagan

This Father Just DESTROYED Society’s Definition Of Beauty. This Is Perfect.

Dr. Kelly Flanagan, a licensed clinical psychologist and happy father of three, keeps a fantastic blog, full of wonderful opinions and personal advice. He has made a habit out of writing letters to his young daughter, to help teach her about the world. But not only his daughter could benefit from…

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The Koch Control & Misinformation Network?

Misinformation, even outright lying, seems to be becoming a way of life in almost all of our media. It saturates our lives everywhere – TV, internet, billboards, buses, skywriting, even foreign websites like Asia Times spread misinformation through ads. A few million dollars for the Koch brothers is like…

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“Bridgegate” is Global

The lane closures on the George Washington Bridge during four days last September, including the first day of school and the anniversary of 9/11, had significance well beyond Chris Christie and New Jersey politics. Hanging over our heads, is an attitude, an operative mode that favors individual or corporate…

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America Polarized

The chances are good that if your extended family got together for Thanksgiving dinner this year, there was a bitter political discussion. For Americans, according to Pew Research, values and beliefs are more polarized along partisan lines than at any point in the past 25 years, perhaps extended even…

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