Trump Running to Avoid Prison

An aggressive masculinity, one repressive toward women, has always been imbedded in America’s culture, from its Anglo-Saxon puritanical beginnings to the now hostile sexism of the Trump-Vance political ticket. In our more modern world, the drumbeat of sexism and the hum of male-dominance has been drilled into commerce &…

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NRA and GOP: Exploiting God & Guns?

Using God and guns drives the NRA and Texas Republican politics: At an NRA convention in Houston TX immediately following the slaughter of 19 Texas children in Uvalde, Texas, Wayne LaPierre, the NRA Executive Vice President, said, “God help us if we don’t harden our schools” That entails the…

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Liberty Going or Gone?

We should inform ourselves about the many consequences of having almost total functional failure in the US Congress. If you are not aware, the main cause of this failure is the Republican Party. No member of this party either functions as a real representative of the people’s interest or…

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‘Let Freedom Ring’ becoming a 2nd Amendment GOP rallying cry?

“Let Freedom ring” is a soaring proclamation of our free destiny in our National Anthem. Within the confines of their own personal aspirations, Republicans have given it their own interpretation Their idea of freedom overrides the rights of everyone else: not to wear a mask during a deadly pandemic…

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Mafia, the Don, Enablers, & Media

Media focus is myopic. Its narrative sees only the visible participants. What is of consequence behind the settings are usually invisible. That prevailing force is corporate. In a democratic capitalist system, we depend on media sources to disperse unvarnished truth, but the ultimate check on the corporate control is…

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Sabotage is Republican Game plan even with a GOP President

Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening an effort or organization through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. One who engages in sabotage is a saboteur. Saboteurs typically try to conceal their identities because of the consequences of their actions or mask their actions, misrepresenting their intent. On a wartime footing,…

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The real perpetrators of the world’s critical problems are in the shadows, actually hiding behind the actors daily portrayed in all the media forums: newsprint, magazines, television, social media, billboards, and books, even the pretend media of fiction, whether movies, novels or plays. The problems are encapsulated in at…

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Two plagues at once

The two current attacks on humankind have similar causes: greed and stupidity. Though one is a force of nature, it was a result of the human pillaging of our planet, the ravaging of a natural habitat for personal profit, reserving paltry resources to study the consequences of disturbing creatures…

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