The Pursuit of UnHappyness – Poverty in America

By: Ms. Henry In the United States, disparities between rich and poor have risen sharply and individuals are increasingly unlikely to escape from their economic position. There are few stories of how someone made it from “rags to riches,” and families are increasing their annual working hours, if they have…

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Empire or Bust

By: James Daniels The involvement of the United States’ military in the Middle East is well known. In recent years, the mainstream media has covered the events in Afghanistan and Iraq on a daily basis. However, these are not the only places with US forces, not by a long…


Fed Up

By: James Daniels Next time you spend a dollar, take a few seconds to read it. At the top, in the middle, you will notice that it says “Federal Reserve Note.” What does this mean? The following is a brief history and explanation of the Federal Reserve that you…


Take Care of Your Own

By: Michael Tuosto In their Wall Street Journal article entitled Charges Stir Church’s Abuse Scandal, Dinah Brin and Peter Loftus report that 21 priests accused of sexually abusing minors were placed on leave by the Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese.  The article also reminds readers that the issue of clergy taking…

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Libya and the American Gun Debate

By: Michael Tuosto Often the American 2nd Amendment gun debate revolves around tragedies like the one in Tuscon, Ariz. This is understandable since it was a tragedy “close to home." In fact, at our home, America. For me, the renewed efforts to further restrict gun rights, due to this…

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