Protests across the Islamic World — Instigated by Romney Backers?

By OcJim Everybody loves a conspiracy theory and some even defend them with their dying breath, but put together enough evidence, exercise enough logic, and put on your perception glasses and one nefarious plot line make sense. Take the anti-Islamic slide show that prompted protests at multiple U.S. Embassies…

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A Real Imagined Community

The Paralympics have finished, the euphoria has died down, and the weather is quickly getting colder. After one of the most blistering, enjoyable and exhausting Olympic/Paralympic games in modern history, this small island is fast reverting back to the status quo and hurriedly forgetting this extremely brief diversion. In Britain it…

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Ryan’s Ode to Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand was a novelist, an atheist, and a philosopher, especially beloved by libertarians and conservative, free-market advocates. Her belief in “rational self-interest” saw virtue in greed and evil in altruism. Her philosophy helped justify the conservative agenda of reverse Robin Hood, giving to the rich and taking from…

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The Bully Versus the Bully Pulpit

In May I wrote about the troubling homophobic bullying incident in which Mitt Romney was the ringleader when but a high school lad, back in 1965. My suggestion, and many others’, was that Romney’s inability (or unwillingness) to own up to his youthful misdeeds (most of us have done…


The Homecoming Players Take On “8 the Play”

The Homecoming Players in Ithaca, New York, for which I serve as artistic director, won a slot in the national series of staged readings of Dustin Lance Black’s new documentary play, 8, which we performed on August 10. We were thrilled to be part of this program, and a…

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This Year’s Olympics

Any foreigner in Britain in 2012 must think the country was going through another world war. The amount of jingoism, flag-waving, anthem singing and hyperbole spilling out of the national media has gone into overdrive, suddenly proclaiming this country to be the 'greatest country ever', a claim that hasn't been…

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