How the War on Family Planning Began.

The sign at the Tea Party rally “No Pubic Option” could be how the Republicans took up the war on family planning. Just a misspelled sign during a demonstration against health care reform? Honestly it could be a rallying cry for sexual abstinence as well, something our public funds…

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Rays “Boom-Boom” Room – Vol. 4: Dr. Manning Marable; Education; Michelle Bachman

By: Ray Rife – Welcome to Ray’s “Boom-Boom” Room. I feel like I may be tooting my own horn in this instance, but helping someone to move is a true confirmation in friendship. Moving is terrible. So many people move differently. You can have the late packer who…

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Enough With the “D.L.” and HIV: Confessions of a Discreet Male Vol 1.

I was watching an episode of 'The View' online when, during a conversation about the Food and Drug Administration's ban on gay and bisexual men donating blood, guest host D.L. Hughley attempted to school America on why HIV is so prevalent among African-American women. He said with confidence, "They are getting it from men who are on the down low."

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Revisiting Kurt Cobain’s Death

By: James Daniels Listen to any rock station on the radio and you may think Nirvana is alive and well. Their hits are still playing widely across most major radio stations. Likewise, you can still find their albums at any major retailer. Thus, to any Nirvana fan out there,…

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At Least He’s Wearing Underwear

By: Air Brin A recent incident in a high-end North Dallas Mall involving a Dallas Cowboy football player Dez Bryant and his sagging pants caught my attention since it has been all over the internet. Now, I am well aware that there will be no fashion shows this year…

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The Celebrity Paradox: There’s No Place Like Home…

By: Bobert Hibbill Put quite simply, the celebrity paradox is the phenomenon of the public projecting veneration onto these megalomaniac-ego personalities because of the public's sense of not feeling important. Many of the pundits and commentators that have talked about the paradox have stated the sycophantic tendencies in much…

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