Fat, Dumb and Happy! Has Much changed since this was written?

by Jim Hoover Conservative America would like to keep the bulk of Americans fat, dumb and happy. That is the outgrowth of the conservative building of a proto-fascist country, dominated by large corporations. Activity in Republican-controlled states and the House of Representatives, show the ideas of right-wing corporations like…


Prepare for Global Depression?

By Jim Hoover Most Americans are totally unaware that 60 Republican members of the House of Representatives control our economic destiny, our livelihood, perhaps for years to come, after August 2nd, 2011. In essence, the Tea Party Caucus seems to control whether our country defaults on its debt or…

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Shall We Blow Up Mountains?

By Jim Hoover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGXQ1Xwn4ws&feature=player_detailpage#t=63s Unlike traditional coal mining, dynamiting the tops of pristine mountains to extract coal, permanently alters the beauty of the landscape. The Appalachian Mountain System, running 2000 miles from Newfoundland to central Alabama, has graced the landscape of what is the eastern US today, originally formed…

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Christie not Spelled ‘Christ’

By Jim Hoover Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey is being courted to run for president. Perhaps it relates to his extremism. The Republican base likes radical right-wingers. How can we identify his right-wing stripe? Look at him, listen to him, and watch him. He is large. He is…

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Betrayed and/or Screwed?

By: Jim Hoover Princeton University professor, Cornel West, is bitterly disappointed in Barack Obama. Like many of us, he bought the egalitarian rhetoric Obama used doing the campaign and fought for his election. Now like many of us, he feels betrayed. “The system is rigged against poor and working…

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Trumped by the Donald

By: Jim Hoover In his braggadocio, pouty-lips way, Donald Trump boasts of eliciting tax breaks and garnering other favorable treatment from the government (us) in a constant game of manipulating government agencies and government officials, according to a LA Times article on May 11th. The article notes that he…

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Media Bias & bin Laden

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qd4QMODnCc&feature=player_embedded by Jim Hoover The above Youtube video connection documents George W. Bush’s total lack of interest in Osama bin Laden in 2006. Bush's statement five years ago is of particular interest in light of Barack Obama's success in ridding us of bin Laden. What I call “Fabrication Central”…

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