The New Jim Crow

By OcJim Like many others I thought the election of a black president marked the end of bias and racism in our country. Even the coded -- He’s not one of us – rather unsubtle suggestion, portrayed by birthers and Tea Partyers against Barack Obama might be seen as…


Illogical Thoughts by Someone Too Young to Think

By: Samuel Bontin Illogical Thoughts by Someone Too Young to Think is the first book of author Robert Mynatt, a young writer with few pretentions of his writing ability, and who happens to write for Taboo Jive as well. Illogical Thoughts is the inception of a fledgling career that…

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The Prince: Perceptual Misguidance

By: Geoffrey Yonil Machiavelli's "The Prince" is an intriguing text. Both historically and politically, it represents a fascinating study into the mindset of early 16th-century Florentine politics. But Machiavelli's message has often times been misinterpreted. Either out of bad translations or the author's sarcasm being distilled from generation to…


The Tibetan Book of the Dead

By: Horton Thompson The Bardo Thodol, also known as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, is, at its core, a book about dying. Bardo Thodol, though, literally translates as Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State, despite its original translator, Theosophist and scholar, Walter Evans-Wentz translating it as The…

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By: Greg Timton Interzone is perhaps one of the most important short story collections ever written by an American. Written by William Burroughs, famed for such gems like Naked Lunch, Queer, Junkie, and cut-up fiction, among other writings, Interzone represents perhaps the best representation of Burroughs in whole. The…

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Like Wings on a Pig

These days, every Christian who is “against homosexuality” (whatever in the name of Monstro’s blowhole that actually means) presents the same argument. That argument is … well, this, taken directly from an email sent me this morning: Would you support a serial adulterer who loves his wife, but is…

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Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture by Douglas Coupland

By: Steven Yonil With a narrative reminiscent of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales and Boccaccio’s The Decameron, Coupland’s breakout novel, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, while a mouth full, is perhaps one of the best chronicles of the post-baby-boomer generation. Written in 1991 after Coupland wrote an article…

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The Naked Communist

By: Donald Bisk Written during the height of the Red Scare of the Cold War in 1958 by former FBI agent turned faith-based political theorist, Cleon Skousen, The Naked Communist could possibly be the next biggest residual threat that is a result of post-Cold War conspiracy theories about a…

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This Side of Paradise

By: George Hince Amory Blaine could possibly be the original Occupy Wall Street protestor. While This Side of Paradise is one of F. Scott Fitzgerald's lesser known works—due primarily with grammatical and spelling errors not corrected by the publishers (Fitzgerald and Hemingway were infamously known as horrible spellers) and…

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Party Monsters

By: Stanley Wicker This is both a movie and book review. The book, published in 1999 and originally titled Disco Bloodbath: A Fabulous but True Tale of Murder in Clubland, was written by James St. James, a celebutante during the 1980s and 1990s who also was a part of…

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