To What am I Entitled?

By: Michael Tuosto The modern American liberal has drifted far from the true liberal ideas that The Enlightenment gave birth to.  Individual liberty was the corner stone of the original liberal ideology.  This type of liberty is made possible only through self-reliance and in the absence of a big,…

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Does Government Indifference Equal Government Support?

By Michael Tuosto When a specific situation challenges my own beliefs about what the role of government is, it fascinates me to no end.  That is exactly what a recent Supreme Court ruling has done and what Adam Liptak writes about it in his New York Times article, entitled…

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More War

By: Michael Tuosto The Orwellian vision of a perpetual war going on “over there” is becoming eerily relevant. Elisabeth Bumiller and Kereem Fahim reported in The New York Times that, “Pentagon officials are eager to extract the United States from a third armed conflict in a Muslim country as…


Take Care of Your Own

By: Michael Tuosto In their Wall Street Journal article entitled Charges Stir Church’s Abuse Scandal, Dinah Brin and Peter Loftus report that 21 priests accused of sexually abusing minors were placed on leave by the Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese.  The article also reminds readers that the issue of clergy taking…

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Libya and the American Gun Debate

By: Michael Tuosto Often the American 2nd Amendment gun debate revolves around tragedies like the one in Tuscon, Ariz. This is understandable since it was a tragedy “close to home." In fact, at our home, America. For me, the renewed efforts to further restrict gun rights, due to this…

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