The Left Chris Is the Right Chris

Washington recently became the seventh state to legalize same-sex marriage, and the law was quickly signed by Governor Chris Gregoire, who said: "It is a day historians will mark as a milestone for equal rights. A day when we did what was right, we did what was just, and…

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Fifty Years in the Fight for Marriage Equality
Left: Mildred and Richard Loving, married June 1958. Right: Erin-Kate Whitcomb (r) and Michele Rutherford, married June 2008 (Reuters/Erin Siegal).

Fifty Years in the Fight for Marriage Equality

In June 1958 a couple in love went to the District of Columbia to get married because it was illegal for them, an interracial couple, to marry in their home state of Virginia. On their return home, they were arrested and charged with a felony. Mildred and Richard Loving…

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“Straight, But . . .”

Here's what I look forward to: A day when (some) straight people no longer feel the need to say they're ‘straight, but they support LGBT rights.’ Too bad there's still the compunction to make that distinction. Gay rights = human rights. We're all the same. Someday orientation will be…

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