Calling All Campuses

Last week, I laid into the Mormons and Brigham Young University for their codified bigotry. I also noted that the Mormon Church is but one villain in this drama, and that Brigham Young University is by no means the only campus where homophobia and abuse of LGBT students is…

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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Straight Alliance
Facebook logo for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Straight Alliance

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Straight Alliance

This week Taboo Jive is recommending a Facebook page that has something for everyone. About: “Everyone of every sexuality supporting each other. Equality For All! Not Some! Get the latest news and videos here on LGBT issues.” Mission: “Working for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Equal Rights. One by…

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Tyler Clementi: Hate Had Its Way
Tyler Clementi playing violin with the Ridgewood High School Orchestra in 2009.

Tyler Clementi: Hate Had Its Way

“Student found guilty of charges in webcam suicide case” - ZDNet. “Tyler Clementi Case: Dharun Ravi Found Guilty of Hate Crimes, Invasion of Privacy” - Hollywood Gossip.  “Hate-Crimes Conviction: Ex-Rutgers Student Faces Up to 10 Years in Closely Watched Bias Intimidation Case” - Wall Street Journal. “Dharun Ravi Found…

Prop. 8: A Primer and a Play
Prop. 8 plaintiffs Kris Perry, Sandy Stier, Paul Katami, and Jeff Zarrillo attend Federal Appeals Court hearing.

Prop. 8: A Primer and a Play

  Poor California. The path to equality in that state has been strewn with boulders and brambles, and the quest has put advocates of same-sex marriage through more heart-stopping changes than anyone should have to bear. It all started back in 2005—a light-year ago in the history of marriage…

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