Man Pours Acid on Sleeping Wife After She Gave Birth to a Baby Girl
Image via: Newslions

Man Pours Acid on Sleeping Wife After She Gave Birth to a Baby Girl

Police have launched a manhunt for 32 year old Siraj (aka Bhura) in New Delhi, India after learning the new father poured flesh-burning acid on his wife. The reason? Because she gave birth to a baby girl, defying his demands for a male child. The attack came on International Women's Day,…

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Voting System Changes Needed for U.S. “Democracy”

Why, if we technically live in a Democracy, do we have to fight in order to better streamline our voting process and make practical, efficient, and time-sensitive changes that would greatly benefit the country as a whole? Since the U.S. is the world leader in many respects, it only…

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