10 Steps to Winning Back Your Estranged Wife

If you’ve committed an offense against your wife so egregious that she’s more likely than not to leave you, do these things. (I wrote this for a friend whose wife had just left him. But of course these principles aren’t relationally gender-specific.) 1. Let her be. Respect her need to process…

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Accosted by a Christian

My wife Catherine and I used to study and practice Zen. One morning we were walking toward our car after a night spent sitting zazen at a Zen center with a dozen or so other would-be Buddhas. (Zazen is Zen meditation: you sit; you close your eyes; you try to disconnect from…


Top 10 Tips for Becoming a Better Husband

I don’t know much about much, but after nearly thirty years of being married, I’m confident of these ten things any man can do to make himself a much better husband. 1. Embrace your wrongness. In the course of disagreeing with our wives, what many of we men fail to realize…

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I have HAD it with this mother*$#@ porn on this mother#@#* plane!

Meet (awesomely named) Dawn Hawkins. She is executive director of Morality in Media, which (according to its website) is “the leading national organization opposing pornography and indecency through public education and the application of the law.” As Dawn recounts in the video below, last month, while she was flying on Delta…

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