Public Displays of Affection: THE RULES

Everybody has an opinion on PDA. and let’s ask ourselves how many times have we seen a couple making intense ‘face-time’ at the park, local coffee shop, or some random corner of Walmart and have really thought to ourselves, “Oh, to be in love!”? Most of the people I’ve…

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So They Say You’re Bipolar

By: Air Brin When I say ‘they’ I mean some type of psychiatric professional who has been trained by some other psychiatric professionals. I don’t mean the inner voice screaming at you day in and day out. Of course, if that voice is screaming at you from outside of…

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At Least He’s Wearing Underwear

By: Air Brin A recent incident in a high-end North Dallas Mall involving a Dallas Cowboy football player Dez Bryant and his sagging pants caught my attention since it has been all over the internet. Now, I am well aware that there will be no fashion shows this year…

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