American News Media: Profit/Toxic-based, Not Information-based

American News Media: Profit/Toxic-based, Not Information-based

While democracy sinks, the media wants to assign blame for inflation. It wants to focus on the details of a partisan cat fight rather than discuss its background or cause. It centers discussion on Republican attacks on Big Bird rather than the issues involved.

It is combative, not constructive. It’s opinionated, not informative. It’s profit-based, not information-based.

The media winds up spreading concocted issues designed to anger, distract and in the process mislead the public about the condition of the country rather than concentrate on the benefits constituents would derive from Biden’s agenda, which all Republicans oppose.

Republican messaging tacitly or directly conspires with right-wing networks like Fox and Newsmax to air the daily attack on target Democrats, currently Biden. The more outrageous they are, the better for drawing viewers.

They know that mainstream media is a pushover for amplifying Republican verbal fisticuffs by posing it to Biden spokespeople and being assured that Democrats will take the bait.

The media’s core of coverage always follows the Republican assault on opponents, which is orchestrated daily by messaging among Republicans. For example, they can be assured that media will repeat Republican blame-attacks for inflation rather than querying any attacking Republican on their own policy ideas for reducing inflation.

Media knows that the assault is the key to audiences not information. Republicans and their right-wing media helpers set the tone of misinformation, lies, insults, and outrage. Little room is left for rational discussion and policy benefits.

Therefore, Republicans having no policy other than getting re-elected, demonizing the enemy, and demagoguing is an approach right-wing media and mainstream media both like for audience appeal.

This spectacle road has been established for profit purposes and, of course, is a pattern of weakness among media audiences trained to look for entertainment not information.

Jay Rosen, a professor of journalism at NYU, on his blog, “PressThink,” presents his criticism of the media. The media’s model of American politics, which once regarded two coequal parties with competing governing philosophies, is now, with the current Republican sect, fundamentally incorrect.

Republicans no longer consider policies for the American people within the context of democratic government. They only consider their control of government and are solely engaged in a concerted policy that will result in their control regardless of the wishes of the voter.

Political conflict now exclusively deals with support for a democratic form of government. Republicans are against democracy, as demonstrated by their legislation to restrict voting in states they control, especially those who vote Democrat.

But legislation in states Republicans control not only intends to suppress the vote of non-whites and the young who usually favor Democrats, but to also cede power to GOP majority legislators who can assess and nullify an election. Already, 14 GOP-controlled

Such weighty threats to democracy are not covered by media, only the trivial GOP cultural attacks, to which media continues to assign a false equivalency, thus amplifying the GOP spin. Such cat fights seem to be of more interest to a for-profit news media, mainstream media competing against the Trump media of Fox Spews, Newsmax, and Breitbart networks, for example.

Media sidesteps the fallacy of GOP propaganda or even GOP threats of violence with vague questions like, “What is your response.” GOP “voting suppression” is “voting change” or “strict rules of voting.” Even the worst threats are normalized: A violent “overthrow of our government” is a “riot,” even with MSNBC reporting.

In the current scheme of things, there is really nothing covered regarding the old media model of competing legislative party policy. Reporting centers on one party’s attacks and talking points.

The Republicans, assault on democracy for government control is pushed aside for a normalcy that doesn’t exist. Media is relatively silent as Democrats pursue policy that represents the interests of a democracy’s citizens, namely recovery from the pandemic and issues of citizen welfare. Its affect on Americans is ignored while media concentrates on insults, threats, and culture-based assaults by Republicans.

Coverage of a repugnant Texas Republican Senator, namely Ted Cruz, inanely attacking Big Bird for plugging a COVID vaccination, and Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley’s riff-rant on a manufactured liberal attack on masculinity has little to do with the constituent benefits that Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan will provide.

This only proves that Republican have no policy goals other than cultural meme attacks of little or no consequence for the people. The whole Republican Party, in effect, has nothing to offer but demagoguery, lies, insults, and attacks on Democrats, something which most media fail to point out.

Unfortunately, our commercialized transactional corporate culture has led us here and we seem to be stuck with a privatized, all-for-profit way of life. But our cultural darkness gets bleaker with Republican marking America’s path with threats of violence.

Accordingly, the unsavory forceful takeover of government is suggested by the more radical Republicans, a message representing violent takeover.,

Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, a supporter if not an instigator of the January 6th attempt to overthrow the election of Joe Biden, is currently messaging as a Trump terrorist on Twitter. He altered a cartoon video on Twitter, depicting him killing Congressman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and attacking President Joe Biden with two swords.

But inciting anger and violence seems to be a daily exercise of Republicans pursuing the presidency in Trump fashion, including Governor DeSantis of Florida and Governor Abbott of Texas.  A supporting cast of Republican leaders are engaging the Big Lie even yet in support of and in concert with the deadly rhetoric of a totally corrupt Donald Trump.

A for-profit media’s daily machinations of spectacle over information tacitly supports this degrading chorus of threat and violence.

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American News Media: Profit/Toxic-based, Not Information-based, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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