A Poem to Mitt, the Twit

A Poem to Mitt, the Twit

By OcJim

A twit they do say, your Romney’s a twit,

One day with the Britts, and they’re roiled to fits.

His manner distasteful, his lies do offend,

He appears robotic, since his body won’t bend.

He must lie faster, than you can fact-check the truth,

Getting any true statements is like pulling a tooth.

The masses don’t know, he would suck up your dough,

He’ll give to the rich — poor to rich it will flow.

Past poor Barry, he did skid, changing views on a dime,

As he Faked a moderate, Barry waxing sublime.

Uncle Joe smiled and laughed at slithering Paul,

As Ryan snaked through the issues – vague & wily, with gall.

Two debates more, Obama shows Mitt’s a fraud,

So it will be clear, even to Aunt Maude.

For some undecided’s must be thick in the head,

Thinking with Mitt their wealth will spread.

If Mitt is elected we will see wealth spread,

But only with fat cats, or his presidency’s dead.

We can see a vision the future will hold,

If Mitt is elected, déjà vous will be told.

The Wall Street casino will be active again,

They’ll sweep all our money in their storage bins.

Woe and beware all tricks you will see,

Voter fraud in the swing states with the GOP.

They try to convince you all politicians are fake,

But only the GOP brand is all on the take.


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