A Nostalgic Human Parasite, Donald John Trump

A Nostalgic Human Parasite, Donald John Trump

Is it only irony that a global parasite, Donald Trump, scorned the best picture Oscar for the South Korean film “Parasite,” asking how a foreign movie could get the honor? It is ironic in the fact that he, himself, displays all the characteristics of a parasite (Chinese liver flukes & Guinea Worm, foreigners, at that) in that he habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return. No unbiased observer could deny his parasitic ways.

On another level, in line with his exploitive personality, it is entirely predictable that he would use this recent award happening to sound his xenophobic bugle before a crowd composed of his loving idolaters, thus using this occasion of fan idolatry to drive out his own insecurities.

His whole life, and now his presidency, has been an exclusive exercise in sucking out the bone marrow of others, giving nothing in return. It started with a father who rescued him from his own breathtaking incompetency not through just one but three bankruptcies into his advanced adulthood.

After his father died, it was a succession of banks, contractors, and governments he exploited and conned, only showing skill and cunning as a con man and user. Then when he ran out of respectable banks to use, he turned to money-laundry enterprises, mostly associated with Russia and its autocratic leader, Vladimir Putin. Last year, the New York Times reported that Trump owes Deutsche Bank some $2 billion.

With a mild success on reality television, along with his “flim-flam” ability to cause and carry spectacle like a loaded weapon, he became known nationally, the media cooperating by featuring him as a rich tycoon.

Looking for more acclaim and more loot, he ran for president at a time when crony capitalism was doing its own brand of exploitation, embedding its control of our democratic republic in the arms of a political party, the Republicans.

This drew Trump, a man with no principles, to the bosom of Republicanism, which for a generation had deceitfully built its own truths and propaganda through its favorite media machine, Fox News, alt-right internet, and right-wing radio.

The Republican Party, with mostly minority rule and ruthless tribal proclivities, has fostered a climate that consistently ignored the poor, the worker, and middle America, was a perfect place for parasitic Donald John Trump.

As president he uses taxpayer money to spend 25% of his presidency playing golf on his properties he wouldn’t dispose of as president. He charges exorbitant rates for a cadre of secret service agents, millions of our tax dollars going into his pocket and those of his parasitic family.

He hides his profits for his golf course, for his global hotels where foreign visitors roam and where military troops are sent and charged. He uses taxpayer money to campaign for the 2020 election. He sucks the life blood out of our democracy by attacking every institution connected with it, the courts, the intelligence community, the FBI, Congress and the independent media.

We have elected and turned lose the worst of the world’s parasites, who on our dime, funded a campaign rally crowd of thousands, freshly emboldened by acquittal of his crimes by a self-serving GOP Senate. At his rally, he unveiled an even more comical Hitlereque-type act mocking “Parasite” and Brad Pitt Oscar wins at the rally: “Can we get “Gone With the Wind” back Please.

Perhaps it was a time more appropriate for autocratic fascists, whom Trump identifies with, when “Gone with the Wind” was aired in 1939, and Hitler had invaded Poland, marking the beginning of a “blitzkrieg” campaign.

Perhaps he is re-enacting those times in his mind, his own “blitzkrieg,” the beginning of an intense almost military-type presidential campaign intended to bring about a swift victory.

Strutting like a powerful peacock before adoring crowds, Il Duce re-incarnated in the form of Il Douche?

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