100 Homophobes Tweet They’d “KILL Their Gay Child!!!”

100 Homophobes Tweet They’d “KILL Their Gay Child!!!”

By Ron Kemp

Every time it seems we’re turning a corner on some of the madness we face, something comes along to remind us that there’s still plenty of work that needs to be done.  And, this one ranks right near the top of the list of the worst things I’ve ever seen.

On Monday, March 12th, trending on storify was tweets to people’s unborn children.  Tweets that vowed to KILL their unborn child if he or she turned out to be LGBT.  I don’t think it gets any worse than that.  Luckily, these tweets were picked up on by someone, and these people are being put in the spotlight.

Codie Sowders wrote:

#ToMyUnbornChild — ” if you so much as think about being a homosexual I’ll put a bullet in your damn skull”


From Daborey  Burrell comes this:

#ToMyUnborn — “Child if you turn out gay, I will burn you alive.”


Rob Grant wrote:

#ToMyUnbornChild —  “if your gay or retarded I will kill you.”


And, this tweet from Chris Woodie:

#ToMyUnbornChild — “If you think gay is an option, let me know because we’ll abort you”

Extremely graphic, I know.  However, I think it’s urgent that we know, and fully realize that there truly ARE people out there who, by their own admission, would kill their own child if he or she were gay.  Worse, they said it unabashedly, as if the murdering of unwanted LGBT children was just the norm.

My first thought was “I sure hope they don’t have any other children!”  Any person who can even formulate such a thought about any human being at all, let alone their very own unborn child should, at the very least, be mandated to have every snip and tie done as to assure that they can never, ever reproduce.  This level of homophobia is reprehensible. 

Here’s the danger:  this level of hatred, intolerance, and violence is precisely the accelerant that fuels the violence against the LGBT teens we’re seeing today.  And, as we’re being shown more and more every single day, the violence against LGBT teens, the bullying, is a learned behavior taught to them, in many if not most cases, by adults.  Directly or indirectly.  Imagine:  Codie Sowders has another child, or children!.  Wonderful parent in all aspects; however, the child or children knows Codie’s intolerant feeling towards gays.  And, that level of hatred would be impossible to mask despite the best efforts.  Well, what do you think the odds would be of that child, or those children, growing up to become homophobes themselves?  And, thus, the vicious cycle continues.  The bullying continues.  The LGBT teen suicide rate remains the same.  And, frightfully, if an LGBT child is born to any one of these people, the murder rate will go up as well.  By their own admission.

I’ve got a real problem with this one.  Hopefully, a lot of people have a real problem with it.  Just reading these real tweets from real “people” should be enough to get your blood up to 210 degrees.  For that other 2 degrees needed to reach boiling point, realize that there are teachers, judges, police officers, definitely politicians, priests and preachers…people from every walk of life with this level of homophobia.

It’s getting better, yes, but we still have lots of work to do.


Find more of Ron Kemp’s blog here —–>  Enough is Enough

Special thanks to Kevin at ——-> Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook 

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100 Homophobes Tweet They'd "KILL Their Gay Child!!!", 9.3 out of 10 based on 21 ratings

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. F^cking DESPICABLE!

  2. That is fucken sick!!!!!!!

  3. I believe in POST-natal abortion for bigots….

  4. that’s disgusting and I hope these bastards never get blessed with children.

  5. They should have been an abortion. Sick sick sick.

  6. This makes me so angry and so very sad at the same time.

  7. Irrelevant cunts… Fucking sickening. It’s so easy to identify the fools who have no life.

  8. There are no words for how disturbing and sad this is. Being a parent should not be a right. That probably flies in the face of today’s thinking, but for gods sake – this article proves it. Some people have no business being a parent if they can’t unconditionally try to do their best for their child and love them despite everything.

  9. Dear parent to be
    I hope they are all born gay, and grow up, hunt you down and slit your throats like the mongrels you are..

  10. Its terrible how hipocritical those people are. “Christians” my ass..

  11. No words for ridiculous trash like that! Hopefully, they are never blessed with children

  12. This is very sad were living in a society with so much hate towards others. Right now I have very mixed feelings after reading ‘Homophobes’ FB page. I know we all must keep being aware that there are many people who despises lifestyles other than their own. The problem I’m having is whether we should be addressing these people with a page to add more fuel for them to attack others especially on a social network like facebook.

    Thanks TabooJive for posting this for us.

  13. Anti-gay… Aren’t they usually pro-life?? Could these people be more confused?

  14. Progressives don’t even need a reason to kill their own child…if the pregnancy is inconvenient, get rid of him or her.

    1. While I might not agree with your dislike of Progressives, I don’t think that’s the issue here. The article had nothing to do with Progressives and their “love” of abotion. It was about hateful people spreading a hateful message. The fact that you glossed over that seems indicative of something you might want to examine. These people seemed very anti-Progressive in their bigotry against the LGBT community by making these insensitive tweets, so I guess you have something in common with these people. Either agree with them or don’t, but don’t be a troll.

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