Cantor and Kyl: Clowns for the Rich?

By Jim Hoover Two clowns, Rep. Eric Cantor and Senator John Kyl, performers for their real ringmasters, the rich, walked out of bicameral bipartisan debt ceiling talks. Ironically, the elephant in the meeting room still remained. Not the Republicans, but the obvious fact that these meetings, for the Republicans,…

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Fall From Grace

By: John Dyndril Fall From Grace is perhaps one of the most comprehensive looks at the Westboro Baptist Church and its followers, including extensive interviews with Fred Phelps (the minister for the church), his followers—which is almost ninety-percent just the rest of the Phelps family—and experts ranging from Biblical…

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To What am I Entitled?

By: Michael Tuosto The modern American liberal has drifted far from the true liberal ideas that The Enlightenment gave birth to.  Individual liberty was the corner stone of the original liberal ideology.  This type of liberty is made possible only through self-reliance and in the absence of a big,…

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Can Scams Get Any Bigger?

By: Jim Hoover We’ve had the Barney Madoff scam affecting hundreds and the Wall Street scam perpetrated by hundreds and affecting millions. Now it’s the Harold Camping scam affecting billions. Scams are all around us. We have conmen in politics who fool voters into voting them into office and…

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