By Diva Dee Ok. So I got this aching tooth, right?  I’m sure nothing’s wrong cuz I was just at the dentist 4 years ago.  What can go wrong in 4 years? So anyway, I am a sincere believer that one must give the body a chance to heal…


Public Displays of Affection: THE RULES

Everybody has an opinion on PDA. and let’s ask ourselves how many times have we seen a couple making intense ‘face-time’ at the park, local coffee shop, or some random corner of Walmart and have really thought to ourselves, “Oh, to be in love!”? Most of the people I’ve…

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So They Say You’re Bipolar

By: Air Brin When I say ‘they’ I mean some type of psychiatric professional who has been trained by some other psychiatric professionals. I don’t mean the inner voice screaming at you day in and day out. Of course, if that voice is screaming at you from outside of…

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At Least He’s Wearing Underwear

By: Air Brin A recent incident in a high-end North Dallas Mall involving a Dallas Cowboy football player Dez Bryant and his sagging pants caught my attention since it has been all over the internet. Now, I am well aware that there will be no fashion shows this year…

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I Loved You Until I Friended You

I Loved You Until I Friended You

By: Gina Volpe New studies released show that one in five divorce petitions cites Facebook. Well, duh. Aside from the obvious conclusion that Facebook allows you to spot and then divorce the jerks who feature acoustic guitars in their default photos and post badly-written, inane status updates; communicating with…


Hello Reefer, Goodbye Welfare

By: Gina Volpe Another day, another reason to stick my head in the oven. The latest black cloud on the horizon? Several states are considering laws that would require drug testing for welfare recipients, including those who receive unemployment benefits. I understand having to pass a drug test when…


Commercial Headnumbs

By: Jim Hoover Do you have mind-numbing headaches, chronic constipation – or antithetically, worrisome diarrhea? Do you have embarrassing gas that gags others in a crowded room -- something like sewer exhaust? Does your stomach churn like a runaway sauna or does it ache like a mule kick? Do…

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