Lifeless in Gaza

A few days ago Israel began yet another systematic campaign of destruction against Gaza. Israel has always been 'at war' with the Palestinian citizens trapped in the enclaves of Gaza and the West Bank, but since Israeli settlers moved away from the Gaza Strip in 2005 there has been…

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Pink Triangle Theatre

By: Jackson Hedges The production company Pink Triangle Theatre espouses a clear message directed towards curbing the current trend of "homophobia, bigotry, hatred and intolerance." Such thematic content directs it's focus and is intended to touch upon much of what human experience is like. And despite many homophobic rhetoric denying…

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Fall From Grace

By: John Dyndril Fall From Grace is perhaps one of the most comprehensive looks at the Westboro Baptist Church and its followers, including extensive interviews with Fred Phelps (the minister for the church), his followers—which is almost ninety-percent just the rest of the Phelps family—and experts ranging from Biblical…

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