Ryan’s Ode to Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand was a novelist, an atheist, and a philosopher, especially beloved by libertarians and conservative, free-market advocates. Her belief in “rational self-interest” saw virtue in greed and evil in altruism. Her philosophy helped justify the conservative agenda of reverse Robin Hood, giving to the rich and taking from…

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The Fallacy of The Human Capital Theory

By: Ms. Henry Human capital or human capitalism has become the explanation of the labor market and earnings inequality put forth by economists. While not a theory of racial and gender inequality in the labor market, this line of reasoning has major implications for minority and gender disadvantages in…

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Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

By: Denise Fabec  In the last few years, we certainly have been living up to our reputation as a free nation.  With the outsourcing of jobs, corporate cutbacks, and millions of square miles of empty commercial property on hand, it has most definitely become a buyer’s market for goods…

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