

By Betty Bower

People have been speculating the existence of a dimension that harbors ghosts, spirits, souls, etc… since the beginning of time. Well? Maybe not that far back, but I myself don’t find it that hard to believe. Here’s how:

We humans can experience several different ‘dimensions’ of existence, such as our senses; site, smell, taste, touch, hearing. In addition, our technology advances have even allowed us to explore the depths of an under water dimension called the ocean and the outer dimension of space.

When you look at other species and their capabilities to experience ‘dimensions,’ I think of the dolphin and the bat, which both utilize their abilities to use bio-sonar and echoes to locate and identify objects. Echolocation is used for navigation and for foraging or hunting in various environments.

But, even within the scope of our own abilities, smell for example, if we could smell as well as a bloodhound dog does or see as well as an eagle does – or even experience the ability to fly the way an eagle does. Wouldn’t this open up a whole new dimension of existence for us?

What about people’s belief in connecting with spirits via the Ouija board?  Even our dreams are a completely unexplored dimension that we’re not fully equipped to understand but they’re there.  The Pagans, Wicca, Witches, and Native Americans all celebrated and strongly believed in a spiritual, paranormal dimension. And who are religious people praying to anyway? What dimension is that?

What are all those house creeks, noises, mysterious happenings and bumps in the night?  We’re not equipped with the ability to know for sure, so we can only speculate.

Our ‘speculations’ bring me to another dimension of existence worthy of mentioning – our inner instinct and intuition. After all, this is what brings us humans to speculation of the paranormal to begin with… we can’t quite put our finger on it always, but we swear someone is watching us, or that something is there; but what is it?

There have been countless stories of people experiencing the paranormal but with limited available proof. Until someone can come up with solid evidence and proof, there will always be a doubt by skeptics.

Allow me to give a simple depiction of how how we may be experiencing these bumps, creeks, noises and mysterious happenings from another dimension…

Imagine fish in a large fish bowl — and there they are, enjoying life in their dimension of water and breathing air from the water through their gills.  Suddenly, the fish hear and sense some unidentifiable vibrations and noises in the water, like bumps, creeks and noises… but, they don’t really have the ability to know where these noises and vibrations in the water are coming from. So they get all spooked and swim around, but little do they know that they’re being observed from another dimension, of humans who are tapping on the glass from the outside of the fish bowl; creating the unidentifiable noises to them.

Could the earth simply be just one giant proverbial ‘fish bowl?’ … and an existence of another being is ‘tapping on the glass;’ creating the bumps, creeks and noises; trying to get our attention?  Possibly but we can’t know for sure, just like the fish.

What ever happened to that psychic medium guy, John Edward anyway?  He seemed to be partially tuned in to the paranormal at times, even going so far as to relay information from the dead to the living.

Here is a fascinating John Edward video clip of what John does; it’s really worth a watch if you’re into psychic readings and paranormal contact with people who have transitioned from this life to the other side; another dimension.

In addition, below is another video you can watch and decide for yourself, what you think is happening.

Enjoy and please share with us by commenting below on any experiences, insight or information you may have or have had on the realm and dimension of the paranormal.


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