Guilty Until Proven Innocent Baby

By: Stilettos and a Stiletto

Bullshit Alert: Georgia State Representative Bobby Franklin continues to promote a bill that not only makes abortion prenatal murder but includes miscarriages as well if it is determined that there was any human intervention whatsoever.

Consider the potential implications of this bill. If a woman is found to have manipulated her alleged pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage, then she is subject to indictment for murder and the associated consequences. No mention of a consequence for her cohort. And, I say it again: The woman must prove, in court, that there was no human involvement in the causation of such an event.

Miscarriages are estimated to occur 20 to 50 percent of the time and are often unexplainable. Better watch how you eat, drink and be merry –or if you’re above 40. Certain seafood, deli meat, raw eggs (found in mayonnaise, ice cream etc.) alcohol and caffeine among other things have all been implicated in early miscarriages. “Your Honor, the defendant maliciously ate pickles and ice cream;” she deserves to die.

Or, here’s another: It’s all about the numbers. The condom broke, or the couple decides to “do the deed” without contraception. Perhaps the Pill or her IUD failed –there are a number of scenarios and variables. Implantation occurs anywhere from six to 10 days later. They realize there is a chance of pregnancy and, prudently, decide that she take the morning after pill –which by the way, isn’t truly a “morning-after pill,” as its not only effective before intercourse but is licensed for use up to 8.916 to 10 days afterwards.

Do the math and then prove your innocence in court.

Click here to view the bill

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. This bill is purely symbolic. It’s obviously in violation of Roe v. Wade and if it passes its abolition will be an easy notch in the belt of the first lawyer to get hold of it. Symbolic bills like this are passing all over the country, be it outlawing Sharia law or nullifying the new healthcare act. These bills are meant to placate the section of the U.S. that feels threatened by an America that is becoming less Christian, less sexist, and browner. I say, let them exhaust themselves passing laws that will never be enforced. I’m going to go eat a sandwich to symbolically protest this bill now. Hopefully, my empty gesture will result in this bill being dropped. Either way, it won’t matter.

    1. yes Yes YES!!! Oh ‘god’ forbid if America becomes less Christian! Oh no!
      Great response to a great article. I love living in the red state of GA! But glad to be in the blue of Atlanta.

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