Going Against the Grain

How comfortable those seem to be while living their lives inside a shell of conformity. Traditions surround us everywhere we go, in everything we do, especially in what we wear, how we talk, and what television programs we decide to follow. Imagine yourself for a moment floating alone in this continuum without those restraints. Is it fear or freedom you feel? Or perhaps a combination of both?

For most, it is fear that prevents us from exploring the ‘other’ paths which twist in obscure directions. It is fear that prevents us from boycotting the norm and discovering our own original destinies which aren’t so clearly laid out due to that shell blocking our vantage point. It is fear of resentment and persecution for being different; not ‘fitting in.’

The world we share as individuals is like a continuum which is a continuous sequence of adjacent elements that are perceived as the same when in reality the extremes are quite different. Some already understand the notion of these extremes. I don’t mean those who purposefully change their eye and hair color, dress like a character from the film Lost Boys and listen to bizarre music with unintelligible lyrics while putting forth some artificial display in public. I mean those who refuse to live their lives according to a manual or someone else’s fictional story.

The awareness of self becomes part of us around the time we begin losing the diapers. Ironically, as we enter the pre-teen years, but especially when adulthood imprisons us, we lose that concept in order to blend in like a side dish on the main course of everyday life. We tend to choose the same spiritual/religious paths, adhere to the same political and social beliefs as well as carry the same core ethics by which we were brought up to keep. The exceptions simply choose the opposite or another path but usually still one within the body of norm.

But what about those few who decided to carry the core values such as love, honesty, respect, charity and hard work but refused to keep the rest? They saw all those infinite shaded paths waiting to be pranced, danced and skipped on. They refused to walk or run the beaten road taken by most; choosing their own spiritual journey seeking out new ways to better themselves. Keeping an open mind and researching the possibilities of life via internet, library, and traveling is probably the most important thing you could ever do for yourself!

Put away everything you have already learned regarding rules, commandments, and especially popularity. Sit with yourself in silence without interruption. Allow yourself the freedom to explore that unvisited space inside your head. There is no persecution when you are alone therefore, there is no need to fear not being accepted…except from yourself.  Despite what you may answer out loud to someone if ever questioned regarding self-confidence, you must accept the original spirit that dwells inside that space before trying to portray that person. This is the place to begin.

Every brain is like a finger print. We are all eccentric inside our own minds. The difference between most and free-spirited individuals is that the latter have already tapped into that space and as a result taken the hidden paths that trudge through the unbeaten terrain; going against the grain. They are nevertheless more content and have a better understanding of purpose. Free spirits tend to accept others more easily allowing the true freedom of expression. To be a truly eccentric person simply means…to be truly yourself.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. R, Phillips writes: “But what about those few who decided to carry the core values such as love, honesty, respect, charity and hard work but refused to keep the rest?”

    Such a beautiful thing in theory and exponentially so when witnessed in someone. I honor those that take this much more challenging path – for it is.

    Those same sensitivities, that led to this confirmation of character, will be tested mightily; their host will face the inverse from those not as aware. It’s the duality of life. Perhaps this testing of that commitment to character is merely the Universe honing the blade – as steel plunged in fire.

    Lovely post Raella ~ thank you.

  2. Nice message Raelea – many people don’t live in integrity with their authentic self, thoughts and desires and often judge, envy or despise others for taking the path less travelled with their lives. It’s important not to live in bad faith with yourself and conform to outter controls and influences… it’s important, healthy and best to be yourself!

  3. After reading this, I’m interested to learn what your “self” is Raelea. Personally, I find that the more time I spend outside of the “rat race” the less appealing it’s various alternatives seem. I wonder how many people live conventional lives, but are utterly fulfilled by them. They’re probably indistinguishable from the people who aren’t very fulfilled at all. Regardless, I agree with all your points.

  4. What can I say…. I can’t say anything I am speachless What wonderful writing. This is your calling girl. You found your spot. Love you

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