Drugs, Laptops and Sperm; Future or Not?

Drugs, Laptops and Sperm; Future or Not?

So I started out by reading and doing some light research on this article to discuss how the use of anti-depressants have grown off the charts in the U.S. with a 400% increase since 1988 according to a report by C.D.C’s national center for health statistics. We have become a society of anesthetized zombies and not able to form lasting emotional attachments. According to the new Federal report: about 11% of Americans ages 12 and up take some kind of anti-depressant.

How bad have we gotten as a society that so many people need anti-depressants? Are we not teaching our children how to cope with life? Do we cope with life? Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of legit reasons for needing anti-depressants like: mental illness, but at what point do we need to look at society as a whole and wonder what “WE” are doing that’s messing with OUR heads? Are the pressures of society and responsibility causing the need? Is it the thought of what our future might hold, with over population and depletion of resources? Or have we taken so many pills now that nobody gives a rats ass!? Here’s a pill for that too, “now forget about it!”

Then I stumbled across an article about Wi-Fi having an affect on sperm count. It apparently slowed some 25% of the sperm from doing it’s job in the study. Interesting, but the study is still new and up for debate. In any case, Wi-Fi is having some kind of an affect on sperm and the reproduction process. With Laptops being the next best thing to cool whip in a can, more and more people are using them constantly (Not only for surfing the web but for work). The statistics on the average daily use of laptops is all over the board. With it being said in one article that the ages 8-18 spent up to 71/2 hours a day on some kind of media device.(Whether that is an accurate account or not, it has to be pretty darn close.) I have to tell my children all the time “that’s enough time on the computer, phone or game.”

So here’s where my crazy brain went: with the increased use of anti-depressants, computers, cell phones and other mobile devices, there’s no need to worry about over population ever again; It’s taking care of itself!! With so many people being medicated and not having sex or even caring if they procreate; The ones left are too busy on their laptop and don’t have the “swimmers” to do get r done!

The next time you want to pop a pill and veg. out in front of your laptop maybe you should think about whether you want a future or Not!!??

Here’s a great clip from 2007 ….

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