Don’t Cry for Mitt — or Keystone

Don’t Cry for Mitt — or Keystone

By OcJim

President Obama made an important announcement: as currently planned, the Keystone Pipeline will be dropped. The response from Republicans was predictable.

I do get tired of right wing lies, like John Boehner’s claim that the Keystone Pipeline would create 100,000 jobs. Even more brazen and divorced from truth, the National Chamber of Commerce even claimed 250,000 permanent jobs. Boehner’s claim is 16 times the State Department’s estimate (6000 to 6500), but the Chamber of Commerce Mt. Everest of fabrication comes in at about 60 times the most realistic estimate for even temporary jobs. It is also a lie of omission for Boehner, suggesting that they are all permanent jobs. Actually, permanent jobs vary from the State Department’s estimate of 20 to TransCanada’s estimate of a few hundred.

Boehner and Chamber of Commerce lies are standard fare in a world of corporate media which treats Republican lies on an equal footing with pronouncements by Democrats. Democrats can exaggerate and distort a bit but outright lies are reserved for Republicans and stand tacitly affirmed by most of the corporate media. What with Clear Channel and Fox Noise rants, the willfully-entrapped conservative audiences don’t have a prayer of, or for, truth.

The rich polluters have unemployed Americans where they want them. Push the jobs button for dirty oil ventures that you want but shut off domestic jobs, pay Republicans to block meaningful jobs programs and above all shutter ideas for green energy.

It’s working pretty well. The only pesky challenge to this policy is the Occupy Movement. Mitt Romney’s real feelings about the Occupy 99% came out on a campaigning tour yesterday at Charleston when a man asked “What will you do to support the 99%?” Romney quickly turned and pointed his finger toward the man’s face: “Let me tell you something,” he said angrily, “America is a great nation because we’re a united nation.” In essence he continued, “You are dividing it and what you are doing and our president is doing are hurting the country seriously.”

One assumes the 99% are hurting the country through protest, and Obama is because he is Romney’s opponent.

We can probably assume that any protest, especially about income equality, as said in Romney’s interview with Matt Lauer, is a matter of the poor’s envy of the rich and Romney thinks “It’s fine to talk about those things in quiet rooms, and discussion about tax policy and the like. But the president has made it part of his campaign rally.”

Mitt Romney’s statement about Obama rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline is predictable as well: “By declaring that the pipeline is not in the national interest, the president demonstrates a lack of seriousness about bringing down unemployment, restoring economic growth and achieving energy independence.” Romney did neglect to give fabricated numbers about jobs.

But it is evident that Keystone plans to move dirty oil from Canada to refineries in Texas, from which most of it would be exported to foreign countries, providing large profits to big oil and set back renewable energy efforts for over two decades.

Rich lobbyists discard green jobs efforts, even Obama’s somewhat anemic attempts, attempts that create more jobs than anything the dirty oil people want to do. The chart above shows this.

All puppets and members of the 1% are working against us. It’s a first grade primer: Hear Boehner lie; see the Chamber of Commerce jump hoops for the rich; see the plutocrat Romney run for the opportunity to fleece us.

Regarding the unemployment that Romney disingenuously alludes to during his campaign, keep him unemployed.

Don’t worry about poor Mitt; the tens of millions are still coming in from his vulture capitalism pursuit of Bain Capital, and his Cayman Island millions of sheltered income can be tapped.

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